Genre: Action Director/s: David Field and George Basha Cast: David Field (“Chopper”), George Basha (“The Combination”), David Roberts (“The Matrix Revolution”) Runtime: 110' Country/s: Australia Year: 2014 Language/s: English IMDB: Official Website: Released: Australia, United States, United Kingdom, Scandinavia, China

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There is only one rule in prison: Watch your back Convict!


Ray, a decorated soldier who just returned from his duty in the Middle East, finds himself serving 18 months for manslaughter after defending his fiancé’s honour. He soon realizes that the prison boss has it in for him and does everything possible to break him, even going after his fiancé.


Ray has to learn how to navigate his way around the internal politics and turf wars between the Arab, Aboriginal and Anglo prisoners and wardens, and find a way to make it through to keep his sanity and see his fiancé again.

Film Review
“Despite its macho undertones, the film manages to run like a PSA against heteromasculinity for a heteromasculine audience, and I mean this in the best possible way.” Melissa Oey,